Virucide Germicidal Disinfectant Sanitiser 5L
Virucide is effective at the recommended dilution rate of 1:128 against SARS associated Coronavirus
Virucide may be used to clean and disinfect a wide range of surfaces to
specifically target common pathogenic bacteria and viruses - ensuring
maximum hygiene levels are achieved for medical, veterinarian, animal
& public health facilities and all associated operations, inclusive of
education, commercial office, janitorial & washroom, transport and domestic
sectors. Virucide disinfects, cleans and deodorizes in one labour saving
Recommended Areas of Use
Recommended for use in Hospitals, Nursing/Rest Homes, Schools,
Commercial and Industrial Institutions, Veterinary Clinics, Animal
Laboratories, Farms & Zoos, Equine Farms, Pet Shops, Airport /
Passenger Terminals & Vessels, Kennels, Hotels, Motels, Poultry
Farms, Pig Farms, Pet Groomers, Funeral homes, Dental Clinics, Health
Care Facilities, Medical Clinics, Day Care Centres, Nurseries, Bars &
Cafeterias, Restaurants, Tanning Facilities, Hair Salons and Barbers,
Correctional Institutions, Gyms Hotels, Morgues & Mortuaries, Public Rest
Rooms, Camp Ablution Blocks, Play Ground Equipment, Buses, Taxis,
Cars, & Emergency Vehicles.
Specific Surface Types
Washable hard, nonporous surfaces, Appliances exteriors, Bathroom fixtures, Bathtubs, Cabinets, Cages, Chairs, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration/
Heat pumps Coils and Drain Pans, Counter tops, Laminates, Desks, Doorknobs, Floors, Rubbish Bins & Skips, Highchairs, Kennel Runs, Outdoor
Furniture, Refrigerated Storage and Display Equipment.
Dilution Instructions
Use at a ratio of 1:128 (0.8%) or 8ml per L of potable water.
Spray n Wipe: 1 X 10ml plunge (for convenience purposes) per 1L Spray
Bottle of cold, potable water.
Floor Mopping: 4 X 10ml plunges to 5L (half a bucket) of potable warm
water. 2 x 10ml plunges (0.4% solution) is adequate for re-washing of
areas and for general bi+ostatic control.
At this dilution rate a minimum 660ppm active ingredient is provided
Effective at the recommended dilution rate of 1:128 against SARS associated Coronavirus